And also Get quick area and radius measurements to determine the buffer zone for an energy plant or the cement needed for a new parking lot. Plan the length of a new runway, the distance between wind turbines, or the circumference of a new commercial retail center. With the advanced measuring and drawing tools in Google Earth Pro, you can plan, measure and visualize a site without even leaving your desk. Calculate distance in feet, miles, kilometers, acres, and more.

Businesses, governments and professional users from around the world use Google Earth Pro data visualization, site planning and information sharing tools. Google Earth Pro is a 3D interactive globe that can be used to aid planning, analysis and decision making. The free version of Google Earth makes it simple to visualize the world with ‘layers’, but pro version you can explore more such as historical traffic data. Publish on a web site, use it in a presentation, or send it via email and more. You can make a movie that follows the camera viewpoint to and from multiple locations. And also, Record and save 3D viewer imagery and save in real-time or a tour without interuption.

Tours can also store in KML and KMZ files, which can be opened with Google Earth, the open source Google Earth alternative as well as Marble. The advantage of distributing as KML is that it is possible to edit them at a later point. Google Earth Pro can also the ability to create a video file with HD-Quality for later sharing on YouTube, Vimeo or any other video sharing site. The Pro version makes it really easy to record a journey and share with your friends. Before processing to download, lets know something recording Pro feature. End of this article you will find free download link as well as the license key. But, now you can download and install free without paying single paisa. Normally this Pro version comes out with the price tag of $400, which a normal person can`t offer for their personal purpose. Which has pretty decent features than its free version. But, there is a paid version also available that is called as Google Earth Pro. And, Most of us know about Google free Google Earth product, which we use normally. Almost 11 years ago Google earth entered into the market and made this possible. Google Earth is a wonderful tool to explore earth without leave your room.