Also, please keep in mind that comments with links in them (or the word “link”) will need approved, just be patient. Check that you copied and pasted everything correctly.If you still need help, post your error along with screenshots of the changes you made (upload them to imgur, gyazo, tinypic, etc and then just share the link).Double check the WARNING in Step 12 from the “Copying Other Info from Trait Tuning to Sim Data” section.From mods suitable to all ages to those that delve into more mature themes such as drugs and. The most common errors I’m seeing is people not doing Steps 2 through 6 from the “Copying Other Info from Trait Tuning to Sim Data” section properly. Here youll find a variety of The Sims 4 mods by Basemental. Double check that you have followed ALL of the steps.Make sure you have the latest version of Sims 4 Studio.

If you get any errors when trying to Save, please read the following before posting your errors: Error when Saving Checklist

Select the Sim Data with the same Instance number as the Trait Tuning.

Open Notepad (or any editing program) and copy & paste the display name, icon, and the trait description codes into Notepad: Most of them even add custom buffs, interactions, and some even have custom CAS animations After playing The Sims 4 for.